The Spread of the Black Death

    The Black Death is a disease caused by yersinia pestis is noted mostly for its drastic slaughter in Europe during the 14th century. How was the Black Death transmitted from one person to the next? The three forms of the Black Death were transmitted in two distinct ways each having their own specific symptoms with little variation.

    The septicemic and bubonic plague were transmitted with direct contact with a flea, while the pneumonic plague was transmitted through airborne droplets of saliva coughed up by bubonic or septicemic infected humans.

    The bubonic and septicemic plague were transmitted by the the bite of an infected flea or rat. Fleas, humans, and rats served as hosts for the disease.

-Yersinia pestis multiplied inside the flea blocking the flea's stomach causing it to be very hungry
-The flea would then start voraciously biting a host
-However, since the feeding tube to the stomach was blocked , the flea was unable to satisfy its hunger
-As a result, it continued to feed in a frenzy in which infected blood carrying the plague bacteria , flowed into the human's wound
-The plague bacteria now had a new host. The flea soon starved to death.

-The pneumonic plague was transmitted differently than the other two forms .
-It was transmitted through droplets sprayed from the lungs and mouth of an infected person
-The bacteria entered the lungs through the windpipe and started attacking the lungs and throat.

    The Black Death killed off a massive portion of Europe's population. The plague is more effective when it attacks weakened people and Europe at the time was already weakened by exhaustion of the soil due to poor farming, the introduction of more sheep which reduced the land available for corn, and persistent Scottish invasions. Fleas infected with the Bubonic Plague would jump from rats to travelers, killing millions and infesting the continent with world shaking fear. Europe was affected dramatically by this epidemic making a bad situation that Europe was already in at that time only worse.